
At Circle of Wellbeing we strive to empower and support vulnerable women and children despite their backround, sexual orientation and belief in different areas in Lebanon.

When we have distributions we have awareness sessions before we distribute the items, or the beneficiaries attend projects over a longer time before they recieve the kits or items.

Hygiene distribution

January 2024 a team of dedicated volunteers and staff led a hygiene distribution for 35 women attending the centre. Each woman received a bucket filled with shampoo and conditioner, lotion, pads, toothpaste, a toothbrush, a towel, soap, and donated socks from Canada.

Circle of Wellbeing advocates for women's self-care, contributing to their physical and mental wellbeing. In the centre, we are often told how women don't have time for themselves or time to take care of themselves.

Through the distribution, we were able to provide essential items that can support women's physical and mental health. Circle of Wellbeing will continue to focus on caring for women's health in Bekaa through continued hygiene distributions.

Water distribution

During summer in 2023 we distributed 5 400 liters of water to families in Bar Elias area in Bekaa. We managed to distribute water with support from Norwegian crowd funding.

Many of the women and children who attend our projects don’t have money to clean drinking water. They often use water well with polluted water. We wanted to support the families during a heat wave this summer, and managed to do so with support from crowd funding in Norway.

Mazout distribution

Winter in Bekaa can be extremely cold, especially for families who lives without electricity in concrete builings and tents. Due to the ecrenomic crisis in Lebanon, mazout (heating fuel) prices raised, and the need of support grew intensely.

Only in two days we collected enough money from a crowdfund in Norway to distribute 1200 liters of fuel.