Circle of Wellbeing’s events 2022-24

Panel conversation about
Women’s Health in
Palestine and Lebanon

Amanda Hylland Spjeldnæs and Thea Munkeby, who are both in the board of Circle of Wellbeing, held the event in Oslo in February 2024. Midwife, Synne Holan from NORWAC, Juliet Tøsse; artist and coach and Thea Munkeby; founder of Circle of Wellbeing sat in the panel sharing knowledge about women who experience violence, sexual abuse and war crimes.
Annlaug Telstø; author and nurse for MSF read a story from Gaza. Thank you to the people who contributed, and came to the event in Oslo.

Workshop: Yoga for Kids with
Tools For Inner Peace

We were fortunate to partner with Tools For Inner Peace for a training session about effective methods in teaching yoga to children. The staff also had time to meditate and fully relax during the session as well.
After this workshop we will have more yoga for the children in our Child Care. Thank you, Minna and Tools For Inner Peace for holding the informative and fun workshop for our staff at our Women Center in Bekaa.

The Dignity Project with Jigsaw Charity in Taanayel, Bekaa

Distribution of food parcels and dignity kits. In cooperation with Jigsaw Charity and Wing Woman, we joined a big distribution in in October 2023.
🍲100 food parcels and dignity kits with reusable pads were distributed this day. 💬The women and the teenagers also attended awareness sessions about the reusable pads and menstruation.
Thanks again to @jigsawcharityuk and @wingwomanlebanon for the work and contribution for vulnerable women and young youths in the area we work in

Dental Check-ups
at our Women Center in Bekaa

We were delighted to invite @sams_usa a medical relief organization, to conduct dental check-ups on 106 children. They conducted check-ups with the kids, including providing treatments for more specialised cases. They led awareness sessions with the mothers regarding dental hygiene care for their children in the home. Further, they taught the children how to use a toothbrush and care for their teeth. At the end of the session, @sams_usa distributed toothbrushes to each child to take home. 💫Circle of Wellbeing strives to engage in diversified wellness practises and to support the implementation of physical and mental health in their daily lives.

Open Day at the Women Center
in Bekaa

In July 2023 we held an open day at the centre for all the women who have been part of Circle of Wellbeing, both current and past participants.It was a beautiful and moving day attended by around 30 women and 15 children. There was a lot of talking, laughter and dancing. A fantastic and heart-warming day. Together with the women, we shared our good memories from the center.  It shows that a place like Circle of Wellbeing is needed in Lebanon/Beqaa, and that our work matters.

Children Activity Day,
in Bekaa, Lebanon

Circle of Wellbeing invited the women and their children, in total, 80 women and children participated in this day. As soon as they arrived, the children ran into a play space and got their faces painted. In the meantime, the mothers enjoyed some free time amongst themselves and initiated a traditional Lebanese dance, Dabke. Lunch was delivered after the children became tired of running around, playing football, and establishing strategies to recover the ball from the tree. Following, the women and children explored more of the venue and enjoyed relaxing and playing until the buses came to transport everyone back to the center. The team saw joyful and exhausted faces through the bus windows. It was a successful day, thanks to our logistics team and volunteers.

The Flying Seagulls at our Women Center in Bekaa March 2023

The women and children watched them do a show to start which they were thrilled to see. After a good laugh, the children participated in activities like drawing clowns, being taught how to fly plates like in a circus, and lastly how to tightrope walk like professionals. They enjoyed the activities and could express creativity in a fun atmosphere while being challenged. Laughs and happy eyes were the theme of the day. On their way out, we distributed food parcels for each of the women to enjoy with their families. A good way to conclude such a happy day!

Christmas Celebration in
Riyaq, Bekaa

In collaboration with CCL we had a Christmas Celebration for 50 children in Riyaq in Bekaa. The day was filled with joy and laughter. The children played games, and recieved gifts from the Santa Claus. We also distributed 45 food parcels to families in Riyaq. Thanks to donors in Norway we were able to celebrate and distribute food in a area in Bekaa were many families are struggeling.